About the language I am working on

I had always liked the idea of creating my own language especially for a game or some sort of thing that I was creating and I was also interested in the idea of learning it and being able to speak it and seeing how far I could get with it so that is what this project is. I don't really know what if anything I will use it for but I am creating it slowly and playing around with different ideas from different languages that I like and it's not necessarily intended for lots of people to I don't really know what if anything I will use it for but I am creating it slowly and playing around with different ideas from different languages that I like and it's not necessarily intended for lots of people to learn it in the same way as something like Esperanto, but if you are interested you are more than welcome to learn it too.

The vowels of the language are: a, i and e. The consonants are g, k, d, t, s, j, b, p, l, y, n and ng.

The word order is VSO and it is an isolating language without tense. plurals are made via reduplication, but for longer words it is only partial reduplication.

There are no true adjectives, instead the particle "i" is placed between nouns to connect them. An example would be "talase i jek" a or the big number, which is really "number of bigness".

The word order is inspired by Gaelic which uses VSO, the lack of adjectives is inspired by Sahidic and the sound inventory is inspired by Magalasy and other languages in the same family. I wanted the language to sound sweet.