I had always been interested in making things like crochet etc. but I had never felt confident to do it especially being a guy and it took until my son was about to be born for me to actually get the confidence to start making things because I wanted him to have lots of nice things and I also think that it means more when you make it yourself.
I started making a lot of things but I was just using yarn from the cheap shop and most of it was made out of acrylic or other types of plastics and as I got into it I realize more and more that I wanted to fall in line with my desire to protect the planet and protect other people so I switched and mostly try to find things like recycled cotton and other planet friendly materials.
One project I've been working on is a blanket for myself to use in summer because in Japan it is exceedingly hot these days thanks climate change and I have been using rayon for it made from bamboo. I'm very aware of how bad rayon can be for the environment and initially when I first started the project I wasn't really aware of what rayon was but now that I've started in and I am a considerable way through it I feel that it's a bit of a waste not to finish it.
I mostly focus on fairly easy projects because I like to not think I just get into a rhythm and continue line by line row by row sort of thing and it might be to do with wanting to get into that state where you don't have to think about things you just keep doing doing doing I don't know.