I like learning things. I would like to believe that most people do! One of my major areas of interest is language and I myself am learning a variety of different languages to varying degrees.
The languages I am actively studying are as follows: Japanese as I live in Japan, Gaelic as it is an important language to me having lived in Scotland, Low German as I have friends in Hamburg and I love the city, Sahidic as I have always had an interest in Egypt and Hindi as I am very much interested in Buddhism. I have heard criticisms of studying so man6 different languages at once, but realistically if one enjoys it, it shouldn't be an issue.
I also like to spend time learning how to learn better, so I will research or look at different methods of studying to try and enhance my ability to learn vocabulary and in the last few months I have been making my own comprehensible input videos in various languages though they take a lot of time but something about my brain makes learning via one methods very difficult as after about a month or so I'm no longer able to do it so instead very recently I have been making my own Minecraft mods and whilst I'm playing Minecraft if I shoot a bow or if I go near a villager I can hear a different dialogue in the various languages that I'm learning.
I also like programming so I have been learning a little bit of GD script, HTML and CSS.